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New Releases

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August, 2012

The Best Way to Live - Matthew Kelly

In this inspiring talk given to six hundred Confirmation Candidates, their sponsors and their parents, Matthew Kelly challenges us all with the question “What is the Best Way to Live?” By showing that our culture is obsessed with individualism, hedonism, and minimalism, Matthew challenges us to think about how each of our choices can help us to or hinder us from becoming the best version of ourselves. Whether you are a teen to be confirmed this year or someone who was confirmed long ago, this talk will make you think and hopefully begin living out The Best Way to Live.

Best Way to Live flyer

Praying_Twice_flyer.pdf|Praying Twice flyer

A compilation of Catholic music

Praying Twice flyer

July, 2012

Answering Atheism - Ken Hensley

How can we evangelize an unbelieving world? In this talk, Ken Hensley uses simple, effective logic to show how the atheistic worldview inevitably leads to contradictions that can't hold up to sound reasoning. After hearing this talk, you will be empowered to conclusively demonstrate how unbelief leads to the destruction of morality, meaning, and even knowledge.

Answering Atheism flyer

June, 2012

Trust in the Lord - Fr. Thomas J. Richter

This talk is practical. It is for everyone—beginners and masters in the spiritual life. We all know that growth in holiness is largely about growing in trust in our Lord Jesus Christ. But how does one do that realistically? In this talk, Bismarck Diocese Vocations Director Fr. Tom Richter describes in concrete terms what the interior act of trust looks like, and what we must choose in order to grow in this trust.

Trust in the Lord flyer

Glory Stories

The inspiring stories of two young people (Blessed José Sanchez and St. Joan of Arc) who gave their lives for Christ In these true stories of vision and bravery, fierce determination, and loving service to God, Blessed José Sanchez and St. Joan of Arc set examples for youngsters... and teach parents at the same time!

Glory Stories flyer

¡Mi Nombre de Batalla es José Luís! La Vida de José Sanchez del Río

English Translation: My Battle Name is José Luís! The Life of Blessed José Sanchez. Children will love this story! In this powerful dramatization, 14-year-old Blessed José Sanchez demonstrates courageous faith during the 1920s persecution of Catholics in Mexico. This true story of bravery, fierce determination, and total surrender to God’s will sets an example for both youngsters and adults!

Glory Stories flyer

Abba or Allah - Dr. Scott Hahn

In this informative talk, Dr. Scott Hahn explores some of the most important beliefs that distinguish Christianity from Islam. He explains that while both religions trace themselves back to Abraham, the differences, including our understanding of God as Father, are not insignificant. With charity, balance, and candor, Dr. Hahn shows us how Islam presents the most formidable challenge to Christianity in the third millennium.

Stefanick-Hahn flyer

The New Sexual Revolution - Chris Stefanick

Studies have proven that few factors determine a teen’s physical, social, educational, emotional and even financial health as profoundly as their choice for purity or promiscuity. In this dynamic talk, 14-year youth ministry veteran Chris Stefanick shows us exactly what we’re up against and how to turn the tides in the culture war for your teen’s purity. Chris speaks to over 50,000 teens, young adults, and parents every year.

Stefanick-Hahn flyer

Meet Kids 4 Jesus

Kids 4 Jesus... Great for home, school, or church! Children are made for faith! Children can reach great heights through a real relationship with Jesus and knowledge of their Catholic Faith. This CD features ten songs from the K4J programs that kids are sure to love, and which will help them build their character and teach lessons about the Faith. See how quickly your kids will learn the words and meaning of the songs!

K4J flyer

May, 2012

Looking Beyond John's Gospel and the Sacraments - by Dr. John Bergsma

Dr. John Bergsma, Associate Professor of Biblical Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, unpacks and unlocks the Gospel of John in this fascinating talk given to a group of college students. In Dr. Bergsma’s humorous style, he shows that John’s use of the word “signs” for Jesus’ miracles is no accident—in fact, these signs actually point to the seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church. Dr. Bergsma makes it clear that the similarities between sign and sacrament are no coincidence, and that the Gospel of John is a deeply Catholic book.

Looking Beyond flyer

Why YOUCAT? - Discovering True Happiness in the Church - by Jim Beckman with an introduction by Dr. Edward Sri

Written by and for young people and based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, YOUCAT was the world’s top-selling Catholic book in 2011. Intended to be the little yellow “Travel Guide through the Faith,” YOUCAT explains what the Catholic Church teaches and provides true answers to some of the toughest questions confronting young people today. As Dr. Edward Sri and Jim Beckman share in these inspiring presentations, the “what” of the YOUCAT needs to be understood in light of the “why.” Through stories and personal witness, they show us how the YOUCAT helps us in our life-long journey to true joy and happiness in Christ.

Why YOUCAT flyer

The Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality – Matthew Kelly

This CD has been re-released with a new sleeve image.

Would you like to deepen your faith? Matthew Kelly will revitalize your spiritual life by taking you on the adventure of a lifetime! In a bold, practical and inspiring way, he will help you rediscover the true meaning of life as expressed in the seven pillars of authentic Catholic spirituality. “Catholicism is a way of life,” Matthew says, “designed by God to help you become all you can be.”

Kelly re-release flyer

March, 2012

Contraception: Cracking the Myths - Prof. Janet Smith

In this new revised edition of Professor Janet Smith’s groundbreaking exposé on the effects of the pill on modern society, she presents a God-centered view of sexuality that can bring married couples a joy that they could never have imagined. Backed by statistics and armed with decades of research, Professor Smith shows the crippling effect of the contraceptive culture on our relationship with God, our romantic relationships and marriages, the culture at large and our physical and mental health.

Contraception Cracking the Myths flyer

My Brother, the Pope - Msgr. Georg Ratzinger

In these inspiring excerpts from his book My Brother, the Pope, Msgr. Georg Ratzinger shares with us the close friendship that has united him and his brother for more than eighty years. In these detailed and intimate reminiscences that span from the early life of Pope Benedict XVI up to the present day, Msgr. Ratzinger shows how the Faith shaped the character of his family, providing a beautiful portrait of Catholic family life.

My Brother, the Pope flyer

Stealing Home - Mike Sweeney

Mike Sweeney is a devout Catholic and sought after speaker, has been involved with Catholic Athletes for Christ, has appeared on EWTN’s Life On The Rock, and has spoken at numerous Catholic venues. He appeared in five All-Star Games and was the Kansas City Royals’ player of the year three times. Starting from his account of an amazing play in which he stole home, Sweeney draws parallels to living one’s faith well to the end.

Stealing Home flyer

New English Pamphlets

Six new English pamphlets from Our Sunday Visitor

English Pamphlets flyer

February, 2012

The History of Salvation: God’s Plan for His People - Monsignor Daniel Deutsch

This enlightening talk traces the high adventure of God's Divine Love Story revealed through the seven covenants that span from Eden to Calvary, beginning with Adam and culminating with Jesus. This presentation is the fruit of Monsignor Deutsch's studies during his sabbatical at Franciscan University of Steubenville, where he learned from scholars such as Dr. Scott Hahn and Dr. John Bergsma.

The History of Salvation - God's Plan for His People flyer

Exponiendo una Tradición Peligrosa: Que Dice la Iglesia? - Rubén Quezada

English translation: Exposing a Dangerous Tradition: What Does the Church Say? The occult religions combine aspects of Catholic rites with superstitions, black or white magic, Santeria, Voodoo and Satanism. During an interview in the studios of Radio Guadalupe in Los Angeles, Rubén Quezada exposes the spiritual risks of those involved in these rituals. Rubén quotes from Scripture, confirming that these practices are in direct contradiction to the Word of God, and explains why we as Catholics must avoid any contact or association with such practices and adhere only to the teachings of the Church.

Exposing a Dangerous Tradition: What Does the Church Say? flyer

January, 2012

Who Do You Say That I Am? - Fr. Robert Barron

A sought-after speaker on the spiritual life, Fr. Robert Barron here illuminates and explains the conviction of the Catholic Faith that Jesus of Nazareth is the promised Messiah and the revelation of God become man. He shows how Jesus fulfills the four tasks of the Messiah according to the Old and New Testaments, and how the living legacy of Christ, God and Messiah, is proclaimed by the Church.

Who Do You Say That I Am? flyer

Get to Know the Mother of God - Chris Padgett

There’s a little bit about Mary in Scripture. We can glean a bit more from the Tradition of the Church. But where can we go to get the complete picture, to find out about the whole Mary? In an engaging style, Chris Padgett does just that as he walks us through what the Bible has to say about the Mother of God. What has she meant to the Church throughout the centuries, what have the saints told us about her, and most importantly, what we can learn from her ourselves? This CD also includes selections from The Rosary Project, a unique celebration of prayer and song from Chris Padgett.

Get to Know the Mother of God flyer

December, 2011

The Christmas and Easter Story - Excerpts from the Truth and Life Dramatized Audio Bible

The Truth and Life Dramatized Audio Bible is a brilliantly recorded production of the Revised Standard Version (Catholic Edition) of the New Testament. Endorsed with an Imprimatur from the Vatican, Truth and Life is truly the first of its kind. These excerpts are narrated by a star-studded cast and include beautiful music and sound effects which make the scriptural accounts of Christmas and Easter come alive, helping us to enter more deeply into the birth, death and Resurrection of Christ.

The Christmas and Easter Story flyer

Three New Releases flyer

Sacred Christmas Songs - Kitty Cleveland

In these traditional holiday selections from her Christmas collection O Holy Night, Kitty Cleveland inspires us with beautiful arrangements that feature a Celtic personality. For over twenty years, Kitty has been moving audiences with her classically trained angelic vocals. This CD also includes excerpts from her own stirring testimony of her conversion. Songs include: O Little Town of Bethlehem, The First Noel, Away in a Manger, What Child is This, O Holy Night, Silent Night, We Three Kings, and Ave Maria.

Sacred Christmas Songs flyer

The Dead Sea Scrolls - Shedding New Light on the Scriptures and the Church - Dr. John Bergsma

Dr. John Bergsma is an Associate Professor of Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, and was a Protestant pastor for four years before converting to the Catholic Church. In this enlightening talk, Dr. Bergsma shows how our respect for the traditional canon of Scripture, as well as our understanding of the Catholic Faith, can be greatly enhanced by the Dead Sea Scrolls—the greatest archaeological discovery of all time.

The Dead Sea Scrolls flyer

Aborting America - Dr. Bernard Nathanson

This incredible talk is a candid account of the conversion of the late Dr. Bernard Nathanson, one of the foremost pioneers of the modern abortion industry. He explains how, through the use of technology, he came to recognize the undeniable humanity of the unborn child and became an outspoken pro-life leader. This story of his journey to the Catholic Faith is both dramatic and inspiring. This presentation also includes an excerpt from There is Life in the Womb by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.

Aborting America flyer

True Worship - Fr. Mike Schmitz

Fr. Mike Schmitz, the director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Duluth and Chaplain for the Newman Center at the University of Minnesota-Duluth, inspires and educates us in these talks about the highest form of worship: The Mass. In three homilies filled with deep reflection on the Scriptures and vibrant stories, Fr. Mike makes sure you will never experience the Mass in the same way again.

True Worship flyer

Abraham - Revealing the Historical Roots of our Faith - Stephen Ray

Stephen Ray emphasizes that unless we understand the innate “Jewishness” of Christianity and our Old Testament heritage, we will never fully understand our Faith, the Church, or even salvation itself. These are rooted not only in the early Church but 2000 years before that, in Abraham. With his infectious enthusiasm, Stephen helps us to learn the deep truths of scripture that God taught through Abraham.

Abraham - Revealing the Historical Roots of our Faith flyer

Walking Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death - Admiral Jeremiah Denton

Admiral Jeremiah Denton spent over seven years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. In this moving presentation, he recalls how, through the power of prayer, he withstood extreme torture rather than betray God or his country. For his valor, he was awarded the Purple Heart, the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal, the Navy Cross, and the POW Medal. He is now a champion of various humanitarian and family causes.

Walking Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death flyer

Saying Yes to God - Mary Vogrinc

Mary Vogrinc shares wisdom from her journey in faith as a wife to her husband Brian, mother of five sons, and foster mother of 54 children through the years. With humor and insight, she relates heartwarming personal stories that testify that God is always present in the details and challenges of daily life, and that like our Blessed Mother, we can trust Him completely.

Saying Yes to God Flyer

A Map of Life - Frank Sheed

Considered one of Frank Sheed’s best books, A Map of Life is also regarded as one of the best and most popular short summaries of the Catholic Faith ever written. Focusing on the major truths of our existence and purpose in life, Sheed draws on God’s revelation to show what the divine master plan is for us and how each part of the plan is related.

A Map of Life Flyer - US Version

A Map of Life Flyer - Canadian Version

Prayers - Miles Christi

An inspiring collection of prayers and devotions for every occasion from the priests and brothers of Miles Christi

Miles Christi Prayer Book Flyer

Gangland to Promised Land - John Pridmore

He was a serious “face” in London’s East End. His jackets were tailored to hold his machete and knuckledusters. His drug deals made him wealthy. Then something extraordinary happened... John Pridmore spoke at the 2008 World Youth Day and on EWTN about what Christ has done in his life. His powerful story has inspired hundreds of thousands to grow in their faith.

Gangland to Promised Land Promotions Flyer

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